All Team Members

Travis Fimmel

Travis Fimmel

Founder & Director

Travis Fimmel is a respected arts educator and a senior arts practitioner in New York. With over 20 years of relevant experience, Mr. Fimmel has proven his genuine passion, unique insight and solid commitment towards the local arts field.

Anna Galvin

Anna Galvin

Facilities Manager

Anna Galvin has Bachelor’s Degree in Facility Management of the Northwestern University and holds a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing awarded by University of Bristol.

Ben Foster

Ben Foster

Head of Operations
Paula Patton

Paula Patton

Head of Painting

Paula Patton graduated from the Painting Department of the National College of Art and Design and the Department of Modern Languages of the University of Manchester.

Burkely Duffield

Burkely Duffield

Head of Sculpture
Allison Janney

Allison Janney

Head of Digital
Justin Theroux

Justin Theroux

Head of Summer Program
Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt

Consultant Lecturer
Danny Elfman

Danny Elfman

Consultant Lecturer


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 ARTEVIVA life® di Sonia Boni

 P.IVA 04770320234

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